Sandy McGuinness

  • Represent the Club in relation to the media, government and other agencies.
  • Call and conduct meetings of the Committee as required, no less than four annually.
  • Convene an AGM annually
  • Be available to members and others to answer or direct inquiries for information or assistance regarding the club 
  • Ensure that the Club conducts its business and activities with due regard to the objects of the club, the Club Constitution and other relevant regulations, procedures and guidelines and provide leadership and direction to the committee in this regard
  • Assist committee members in relation to their areas of responsibility as needed.

Vice President                           
Simon Swifte

  • Stand-in for the President when she/he is unavailable
  • Prepare “Welcome to the Club” letters and distribute them (with logbooks) to new members
  • Co-ordinate new members’ events (e.g. Welcome to the Club trips or social events such as “Newbies Night”).
  • Hold a stock of logbooks; distribute them on request from members; arrange resupply when necessary.
  • Update the member profiles to indicate grade 1 and 2 sign offs as advised by Club Leaders or by the member presenting a copy of the signed observation   record of the logbook.

Internet Coordinator                                                                                                                               

Selim Tezcan

  • Maintain the Club website and mailing lists.
  • Develop the Club’s online presence as a means of attracting members, providing a central point for communication between members and increasing the Club’s profile in the national and international kayaking community.
  • Ensure that the Club’s online information is stored securely, and that appropriate documentation and backups are in place.
  • Assist with the online promotion and managing of club activities and events.


    Campbell Tiley, David Winkworth

    • Publish the club magazine and delivering it to all members up to 4 times per year. Each publication starts with collating articles from members and external kayaking- related parties (including advertisers) and reviewing/editing/correcting    their work together with photos into a lively, colourful glossy magazine format.
    • The final editing uses Adobe InDesign to a print-production standard, to facilitate efficient professional printing of the magazine and envelopes by a commercial printer.
    • Upon receipt of the printed magazines, the Editor mail-merges member details on to the envelopes, inserts magazines and lodges with Post Office.
    • Each publication requires about 40 hours work spread over a couple of months.

    RNR Coordinator         
    Derek LeDain            

    • Coordinate and manage the annual Rock n Roll weekend.
    • Report on progress to the Committee
    • Seek advice and approval from the Committee on key decisions in relation to Rock-n-Roll.

    Darryl Peacock 

    • Maintain proper records of all financial transactions and provide financial reports to the Committee as required and for the AGM.
    • Oversee membership renewal and other electronic receipt processes.

    Trips and Training Coordinator                                                                                                                              
    Richard Hackett

    • Assess the Club’s training needs at all skill levels and determine strategic training priorities as advised by the Committee.
    • Develop, coordinate and implement, with the assistance of the instructors, the related programs and pertinent learning resources.
    • Ensure that relevant records such as certificates, assessment assignments, assessment summaries, are archived and available for review as required.
    • Regularly report, or coordinate reports, in each issue of the Club magazine on skills (hard or soft) or other training related issues.
    • Ensure that the Club complies with its undertakings to PA as an NTP
    • Update membership profile records to indicate PA certifications.
    • Report on Club training activity to the Committee as required and to the AGM.
    • Maintain currency of the club's NTP status

    Social Media Coordinator                                                                                                                                 
    Dee Ratcliffe                                                                                                                                                                                                    

      • Manage relevant social media platforms in order to showcase the club and what it does
      • Use these platforms to promote sea kayaking in NSW
      • Provide and maintain a private platform for club members to interact online
      • Assist with the promotion of club activities and events
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